Creative mountains

Type: Linking nature, art and culture

Participating countries:Slovakia, Georgia, Armenia

Duration: December 11 2022 - May 11 2024

Total budget: 249 700 EUR (of which 80 % from an EU grant)

Main aim: Creative promotion of rural mountain areas of Armenia, Georgia 
and Slovakia.


The project brings together innovative approaches and creative people in order to facilitate inter-cultural collaboration, to support transnational mobility of artists and professionals and to promote the unique cultural heritage of rural mountain areas of Armenia, Georgia and Slovakia. It uses cultural events, communication campaigns and digital technologies in order to foster international exchanges, cultural diversity and local development in a sustainable direction. Project activities are designed to promote music, gastronomy, crafts and other forms of intangible and tangible cultural heritage.  The project will bring new marketing and communication skills to support 40+ farmers, 200+musicians, 12+ culinary heritage specialists, 20+ craft-masters, and contribute to development sustainable tourism in 3 mountain regions. The established network of partners will provide room for capacity-building of local cultural actors and stakeholders involved in rural development, improve visibility of individual areas also outside national borders and serve as a basis for further networking with similar European regions and actors.

The project focuses on the following key activities:

  1. To transfer the best EU experience in the fields of culture and sustainable rural development to Slovakia, Georgia and Armenia,  to build the capacity of the participating entities though organisation of study-tour, webinars and peer-learning;
  2. To use the leading theme of the project “Creative Mountains” as a catalyst for cultural co-operation and creativity of local cultural actors and artists through organisation of 3 folklore-gastronomic festivals  that prolong the tourist season and support livelihoods of local communities;
  3. To promote and to interpret the unique cultural heritage of mountain regions as part of rich European culture by luring creative people (e.g. 30 bloggers and photographer) to rural mountain areas (3 art-expeditions) and get them inspired by local landscapes, culinary heritage, music and attractive environment. By visiting the regions and capturing their experiences creative professionals and artists will share their words and pictures with millions of people across Europe via digital media.
Role of Machaon: Project development and management
Partners: Local action group Kazbegi, the branch of the German Nature Protection Union (NABU) in the Republic of Armenia
Associated partners:
National park Gesause (Austria), MAS Straznicko (Czech Republic), Association “Slow Food Tatry”, administration of Vernar village
Protected areas involved: National Parks Slovak Paradise (Slovakia), Kazbegi (Georgia), Dilijan, Arpa Protected Landscape and Shikahogh state reserve (Armenia)


Co-funded by the European Union

This webpage was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them


Photo: Peter Olekšák, Vladimir Alexa, Tamar Shiolashvili

Text: Svetlana Belova