KenArt – Európsky kultúrny most

Typ: Spájanie prírody, umenia a kultúry

Krajiny realizácie: Russia, Czech and Slovak Republics, Estonia

Doba trvania: March 2009 – September, 2010

Rozpočet: 187,000 EUR (of which 80 % from an EU grant)

Aim: To organise an international cultural festival and other events in the Kenozero area and to promote cooperation with European partners.


The leading idea of the project was to foster the development of cultural tourism as a suitable tool for leveling off disparities in regional development, improving the socio-cultural environment and employment opportunities. The main event was international cultural festival envisioned through an innovative concept of a bridge which is a vivid sign of cultural linkages and partnership. The festival provided a suitable environment for the presentation and promotion of traditional (older forms) as well as contemporary culture and art in novel and sophisticated ways and forms.

Main results:

Innovative approaches and methodologies for cultural events introduced, local management capacity broadened (8 organizations increased their institutional capacity and improved cooperation with European institutions via 2 study-tours and joint work)

Festival ‘KenArt – European cultural bridge’ was a great celebration of the wealth and diversity of culture and art of the European North by bringing together 18 local and international artists, 40 musicians, 20 masters in handicrafts, 15 experts in cultural revival and restoration from 12 countries;

Two exhibitions of architectural art and landscape-modeling named ‘Kenozero spillkings’ and ‘Northern equator’ created and become important tourism attractions;

250 local people participated in master-classes on traditional crafts, 80 people involved to fairs, open-air concerts, services for tourists, creation of art-exhibitions;

Better public access to cultural heritage of Kenozero via effective promotion (publications, web-site, festival, tours)

Role of Machaon: Fundraising and coordination of international cooperation
Partners: NGO Club of Friends of Kenozero National Park, Wallachian open-air museum, NGO Archipelaag 
Location: Kargopol and Pleseck districts, Archangelsk oblast, Russia
Protected areas involved: Kenozero National Park
Funding source: Tacis Programme funded by the European Commission