Wooden architecture in cultural landscape: new challenges in modern world
Type: Traditional architecture and cultural landscapes
Participating countries: Russia, Ukraine, Czech and Slovak Republics
Duration: December 2013 – August 2016
Total budget: 540,000 EUR (of which 80 % from an EU grant)
Project aims:
To save valuable cultural landscapes in national parks, historic villages, museum-zapovedniks and open-air museums from degradation and gradual disappearance
To protect unique areas from uncontrolled and illegal construction which destroys the integrity and character of historic villages and undermines the existing well-preserved settlement structures
To ensure sustainable development of historically valuable villages and landscapes with the use of modern technologies in construction and architecture
Increasing capacities of 10 RU and 4 UA partners and beneficiaries through effective transfer of EU best practices (organised by 3 Czech and 1 Slovak partners);
Innovating methodology of creative cultural territorial planning focused on sustainable use and development of space (cultural landscape) created at the level of 3 national parks;
4 Integrating networks NPs-authorities-architects at local level with strong leadership of national parks for participatory planning and management of the territorial cultural systems (CLs);
Effective promotion of cultural heritage as cornestone for local socio-economic development at the level of 4 national parks
Partners: Fund of Support of Wooden Architecture, Club of Friends of Kenozero National Park (Russia), Wallachian Open-air Museum (Czech Republic), Synevyr national park and Open-air museum Tustan (Ukraine)
Location: Arkhangelsk, Kaluga and Nizhny Novgorod regions (Russia), L’vov and Zakarpatie regions (Ukraine)
Protected areas involved: National Parks Kenozero and Ugra (Russia) and Synevyr (Ukraine)
Funding source: Investing in people Programme of the European Commission
The project financed by the European Union