Celebrating 30 years of Synevyr

President of Machaon International attended a jubilee conference of National Nature Park Synevyr in the Zakarpatska oblast of Ukraine. The anniversary conference entitled “Functioning of protected areas in modern conditions” was held on 19 September 2019 in Synervyrska Polyana, just 1 km from beautiful Synevyr lake – the largest lake in the Ukrainian Carpathian Mountains. It was mostly a gathering of partners and friends of the national park from Ukrainian authorities, other protected areas, academic institutions and environmental NGOs.

The presentation by Machaon International was a nice reflection of fruitful cooperation with the national park for last six years. In the first joint project, the park enhanced its capacity for protection of cultural heritage and preservation of traditional Carpathian architecture. Within our second mutual project, Synevyr became one of the areas of inspiration, hosting a WildArt event with 11 artists from 5 countries. In June 2019, two environmental educators from the national part took part in Machaon’s study tour to national park of Šumava and Bavarian Forest.

After an interesting presentation, a gift for the whole national park’s team (a painting) was given to the hands of the director of the national park Mikola Derbak to commemorate the special occasion. Both parties declared their interest to continue and extend the existing collaboration. The conference concluded with a festive banquet and after-conference excursion exploring the rich cultural and culinary heritage of the national park.


National Nature Park Synevyr, taking its name from the namesake Synevyr lake, belongs among the oldest national parks in Ukraine and it is a leader in nature conservation and environmental education efforts in the country. The park encompasses 43,000 ha of which 3,800 ha were declared World Natural Heritage site safeguarding one of the best preserved remains of primeval beech forests of the Carpathians and the entire Europe. It is the only national park in Ukraine with a rehabilitation centre for orphaned or abused brown bears.


Posted by: Jozef Bednar on 12th October 2019

Videos from the conference in Synevyr




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