Ganovce – area of inspiration

Type: Linking nature, art and culture

Participating countries: Slovakia

Duration: September 2013 – September 2022

Total budget: 62,000 EUR

Aim: to promote unique archeological heritage of Ganovce village through artistic expression.

5 land-art symposia, 2 enamel symposia and 1 plain-air event were organised with active participation of local NGOs and people
created land-art exposition with Neanderthal men  and gallery enriched the rural space and lure visitors;
200+ young people were engaged by a series of 20+ art workshops;
art events united local people, increased their pride of living in the those areas;
visibility of Ganovce by attractive way of image-making was improved

Role of Machaon: Project idea development and co-producing of art-events
Partners: NGO Neandertal, administration of Ganovce village
Protected areas involved: National Parks Slovak Paradise
Funding source: “Europe for citizens” Programme funded by the European Commission, administration of Ganovce village, Ministry of culture of Russian Federation