Vit Hrdousek
(expert on rural development)
One of the leading expert in Czech Republic in sphere of rural development and cultural landscape conservation.
Vit Hrdousek cooperated with Machaon International since 2012 year. We organised 8 study-tours together and implemented 3 cooperating projects in Czech Republic, Slovakia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine. Two projects were supported by Creative Europe programme.
Vit is the leader of network of local action groups of South Moravia region.
Vit has broad experience in creating ideological intentions, supporting documents, compiling applications, management and evaluation of projects MMR LEADER +, MMR POV, Ministry of Education Youth, EVS, SEF, PHARE, SROP, POV JMK, Grants JMK including subsequent promotion and organization of workshops and other events. He is the creator and coordinator of pilot projects under OP “Rural Development” of Ministry of Agriculture, member of MAS network Czech Republic.
Vit is authorized trainer for axis I-III PRV Czech Republic for the years 2007-13, author and co-development strategies and plans, project manager for the development of microregion (Bojkovsko, Buchlov, Horňácko, Strážnicko).
Vit developed and managed a lot of international projects focused on rural development, biodiversity and cultural landscape conservation for total cost more than 10 mln. EUR