Path of the Udege hunters

Aim: To support National Park Bikin in preservation of local nature and of traditional culture of the indigenous Udege people living in the area trough artists involvement.


The art-project involved local population of the village of Krasny Yar (at least 300 people) in activities organized by the Bikin National Park aimed at preserving the natural and cultural heritage of the territory through participation in specific environmental and cultural events that are significant for residents. The main project idea was to help to the national park Bikin to find innovation way for popularization of the traditional lifestyle of indigenous people Udege and for attracting public attention to their cultural heritage. The main source of livelihoods of Udege people during centures were nature resources.

Main results:
1) New eco-tourist attraction Path of the Udege hunters (2,5 km) with 15 art-objects created
2) 30 paintings created to be used for promotion of national park and traditional of Udege people
3) Centre of the village enriched by landscape-modelling art-composition «Udege encampment»
4) 100+ rural people were engaged in co-creation of land-art exposition «Path of the Udege hunters», master-classes and co-producing of local holiday event «Start of hunting season»

Role of Machaon: Assistance in project proposal development and in the coordination of art-event.
Partners: Agency of Rural Community Development, Bikin National Park Administration
Location: Primorsky krai, Far East of Russia
Protected area involved: Bikin National Park