Светлана Белова
(Director)Специалист в области генерирования идей и инноваций в природоохранной сфере.
I have considerable work experience spanning over 20 years on issues of conservation of nature and traditional culture providing added value to local communities throughout Russia, Central Europe and Central Asia. Educated in economics, I started environmental career in the NGO EcoCentre Zapovedniks in Moscow in 1998 and helped to establish system of environmental education in Russian protected areas. I was also actively involved in the planning and enlargement of the national system of protected areas in Russia and received an award from the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources ‘For merits in nature conservation’ (2005). Since 2008, I have been working in Machaon International as director.
Most of the projects I developed, participated or managed fostered the development of sustainable tourism as a suitable tool for leveling off disparities in regional development, improving the social environment and employment opportunities.
One of my main strengths is an ability to develop successful international cooperation in the implementation of projects. I am able to motivate my colleagues and partners to achieve successful project results, i.e. via demonstration of best European practices and assistance in the development of their working plans. I organised more then 30 study-tours to different European countries for protected areas specialists. I am a member of WCPA/IUCN.