Inception meeting 6-9.12.13 in Ugra NP - 13 pers (all RU and UA partners), in Wallachian OAM 11.01.14- 7 pers (1 RU, 1 SK and 3 CZ partners attended)
Position Conference in the Wallachian OAM (CZ) 19-21.06.14, 43 pers, study-tour to PL, HU, CZ and SK /15 pers + 2 CZ and SK pers
Research of the best practices in creative cultural territorial planning and new construction technologies in the PL, HU, CZ and SK and the Netherlands; development of programmes for study-tours (CZ and SK partners)
Study-tour to CZ and SK/ 19-25.4.15, 12 pers/ UA and RU,1 SK,1 CZ partner
Study-tour/Research in the Netherlands, 22-29.3.15, 3 pers.
Seminar "Monitoring and Maintenance of Wooden Architecture. Experience and Prospects" in Kenozero NP / 42 pers., August 2014
Conference in Kenozero focusing application to status World heritage site UNESCIO and Creative Cultural Plans presentation, 33 pers, August 2015
5 pers from Kenozero and Ugra NPs participated in conferences and study-tours in AU, SK, CZ, HU / co-financing partners workshops - in UA 6/30 + pers, in RU - 7/20+ pers
Participatory process for CL planning - see at Objective 2
Conference in UA: "Folk architecture: New approaches for conservation" / 58 pers., 25-27.11.15
Study-tour for Tustan OAM and Lvov Polytechnica and Forest Universities/10 pers/ to SK and PL
study-tour for architects and CL managers/12 pers/June 2016
Conference in Kenozero NP: "Wooden architecture in CLs: new challenges in modern world" / 60 + pers., August 2016
Dissemination of lessons learnt and gained experience through regular meetings of national parks and OAMs
1.1 Increased capacities of 20+ cultural actors and 10 LRAs to conserve, to manage and to plan for valuable CLs through effective transfer of EU best practices by:
- Integrating approaches to creative cultural territorial planning in rural areas (incl. methodology, legislation, participatory management, public outreach, etc.); - private-public partnerships for CLs conservation and rural development; - modern technologies in restoration and new construction in traditional style.
More than 200 people (90+ males and 110+ females) trained
1.2 4 cross-sector networks NPs-authorities-architects for participatory planning and management of the territorial cultural systems (CLs) established at local level; 48 members (26 males and 22 females)
success of networks - measurable impact on decision-making in 3 RU regions and by adoption of innovative methodology of creative cultural territorial planning (see also at objective 2)
1.3 4 RU and UA NPs increased their capacity as scientific and methodological centres for tangible and intangible heritage conservation and took over a leading role in local CLs planning and governance. They cooperate with restoration company Ethnos and FSWA, and 4 universities
2 ethnographical villages and 1 OAM engaged to use project methodology and to develop creative cultural territorial plans in cooperation with members of our project team.
Creative Cultural Territorial Plans were prepared by an integrated team of architects, university teachers, NP specialists and representatives of authorities:
- For 2 municipalities in Kenozero NP - for 2 districts in Ugra NP, for other districts still in process (the scale of work is larger than expected) - village Vladimirskoye in the Voskresenskoye Povetluzhye park - in Synevir NP - in process, deadline June, 2016
The participatory planning process was included in:
- a 6 workshops in Synevir NP/ 5 repr of LRAs, 10+ would-be builders - 3 workshops in Ugra NP, Moscow, Vladimirskoye/ 50 + pers - a lot of discussions with LRAs, local people (RU- 20+ meetings, 300 + pers), in Synevir NP - 10+ meetings with 30+ pers
Legislation - NP Ugra approved these Plans in 2 districts and village Vladimirskoye received the designation of a valuable attraction place (VAP). This provides the highest level of legal protection for CLs.
Other plans are still in process of consultation with LRAs and probably will be approved as laws.
Kiev - CCTP impossible to develop due to changes in the management team of the National Museum of Folk Architecture and Life of UA and enability of Museum management team to organise this process
6 CLs Research expeditions were organised in cooperation with 5 universities.
Management plans for 2 CL complexes in Kenozero NP were created.
Project of a model house to be constructed in 2016 in Ugra NP
A house (from 19th century) to be restored in Kenozero NP
Know-how identified (cost-effective heating system project developed) and will be constructed by a Slovak specialist in the model house in May, 2016
4 catalogues showcasing projects of wooden buildings. Promotion of these construction and restoration projects through a web-site, CL actors, LRAs and additional outreach activities (WP3)
2.1 Innovative methodologies (3) for creative cultural territorial planning focused on sustainable use and development of space (CL) created at the level of 3 NPs, including key components:
- awareness of the concepts of identity, customs and traditions, local history and with sense of community;
- innovative cultural landscape design projects appreciating traditional architecture and lifestyles, their official approval is required by a law;
- integrating different actors at different levels into the planning process (participatory approaches);
- small steps;
- leadership role of NP (key initiator of planning process);
- environmental soundness of new plans.
2.2 10 decision-makers in 4 regions influence investors (would-be builders) and contribute to a better access to local market for architects (10+) and building companies (3) which using traditional styles of architecture thanks to new legislation and rules.
2.4 10+ architects shared new technologies and know-how, got better access to regional market and recognition of status as experts in traditional architecture
The methodology applied in the development of the required documentation and follow-up procedures for obtaining the VAP status for the village Vladimirskoye are instrumental and of high interest from the point of view of the possibility to replicate the experience to many other historic areas (CLs) as part of our project.
Use of suitable instruments of communication and outreach to professionals, LRAs and the general public:
3.1 Exhibition ‘Wooden architecture in CL’ and easy-to-understand methodological materials promoting creative cultural territorial plans and adoption of guiding construction rules
- Ceremonial opening of exhibition and supporting actions, such as workshops for professional audiences, teachers and LRAs, lectures
- in Vladimirskoje village / 600+ (village residents, 5 representatives of LRAs, 1SK, all RU and UA project partners, 5 architects, 2 university teachers)
- in N. Novgorod - 100+ visitors - architects, NP, LRAs, teachers and students
- in Vorotynsk (Kaluga region) - 500 + participants - NPs, LRAs, rural residents
- in L'vov region - OAM Tustan - 80+ rural residents
- in Kaluga - 350+ visitors, 10 repr of LRAs, teachers and students
- in Kiev - 500+ visitors, LRAs, specialists in CL conservation, students and teachers, scientists
- in Lvov Polytechnic University - 1000+ visitors, teachers, students,
- Permanent exhibition in Synevir NP
- Permanent exhibition 'Regional architecture as integral part of CL’ in Ugra NP - spring 2016
3.3 The website promoting the importance of conservation of traditional architecture styles in valuable CLs, newly-developed architectural projects, as well as methodological materials
3.4 4 new architectural project promotional booklets and a package of presentation materials (plans, panorams) will be produced and placed in LRAs offices in each pilot region and illustrate to LRAs and would-be builders new construction rules and cultural territorial plans
Educational opportunities
Most of the wooden buildings need to be constructed or restored applying old-style construction techniques and forms which were practically demonstrated and taught to students from universities and vocational schools through:
- 3 volunteer student camp workshops with master-classes in restoration and historical carpentry technologies in Kenozero NP / 48 persons
- several student research expeditions in Kenozero, Synevir and Ugra NPs / 3 universities and 1 vocational school /6 teachers, 80+ students
- excursions and lectures during exhibition - 300 + students, 40+ teachers
- training for youth carpenters in Kenozero NP, 28 pers
3.1 Effective communication instruments were used for (1) promotion of cultural heritage as a cornerstone for local socio-economic development and for (2) improved access to regional market for architects applying traditional styles of architecture; 300+ rural residents (would-be builders), 20+ architects, 20+ representatives of LRAs reached and informed;
- 29 banners, - 2 booklets, - web-site
3.2 Improved opportunities for training and professionalization in the sector of wooden architecture: 6 university and 2 vocational school teachers, 500+ students increased their knowledge about construction and restoration techniques and are aware of the benefits of conserving traditional styles of architecture in valuable CLs.
28 young carpenters got knowledges about old construction technologies
Access to methodological materials and exhibition developed in the framework of the project for professionals is widely used by different CL actors.
3.3 4 private investors in Ugra and Kenozero NPs are interested to build their new houses in traditional style and cooperate with 3 architects involved in the project.